iteration cycle

英 [ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn ˈsaɪkl] 美 [ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn ˈsaɪkl]

网络  修正周期; 迭代步骤; 迭代周期



  1. The next Monday everyone meets again to plan the next iteration, and the cycle repeats itself.
  2. To facilitate reuse, prefix your iteration cycle with the something that identifies the major and minor releases to which the test cycle belongs.
  3. By involving customers in each iteration, iterative testing compresses the delivery cycle to the design partner customers, while maximizing the value of the application to this customer.
  4. An iteration in ClearQuest test management allows you to identify a specific testing cycle, along with start and end dates.
  5. Iteration: IRUP iteration, phase, cycle, and so forth.
  6. If you are working on a two week iteration cycle and you showcase that to the governance steering committee, and they take three weeks to approve it, it won't work.
  7. Each iteration of the loop adds another octave of twice the frequency. A mechanism or device which measures the number of times a specified cycle is repeated.
  8. With the use of the numeric iteration method for the derived non-linear equation, the solutions of the limit cycle on certain freight car bogie under the two conditions of with and without consideration of wheel-rail contact are given.
  9. Theoretical analysis and design examples show that the conjugate gradient-least pth method for designing IIR digital Filters with constant group delay is less in number of iteration cycle and faster in convergence than DFP method.
  10. The paper presents a method ot iteration by which the symmetric free pulse cycle of liquid storage tanks can be worked out with the help of a hypothetical function of distribution of dynamic water pressure.
  11. Performances of deferred correction-TDMA and ADI-PDMA are compared. The factors influencing the convergence and iteration cycle are analyzed.
  12. It is established that the general iteration formulas of the moving point coordinates. The Line of Limit Cycle in an Open System
  13. In the modified algorithm, the discrete user data are supposed to have continuous value in the EM iterative processing, and the estimated value of each iteration cycle is limited, the limitation threshold is got by simulation.
  14. The advanced method integrates the look-up table method and Newton iteration method. Only one cycle of Newton iteration is needed in the operation process and the size of the table can been quantificationally determined by the precision require.
  15. A nonlinear two-dimensional thermo-electromagnetic coupling model for the electromagnetic and the heat transfer processes equations is proposed, and a solution approach based on an alternate iteration with a time-step of microwave cycle is suggested.
  16. But, in the new software development flow, the iteration cycle shortens, requests to carry on to the code restructures frequently.
  17. After analyzing the characteristic of the tire properties and obtaining the initial stable dynamics parameters, the iteration cycle process of solving dynamics differential equation has been established.